Genre Research: Thriller
Common CAMS in the Genre- High Angle, Low angle, Dutch angle, Pan, Zoom, Tracking shot, Establishing shot, Wide shot, Long shot, Close up, Extreme close up, Two shot, Three shot, Over the shoulder shot, POV, Aerial shot,
Common CLAMPS in the genre- Acting, Costumes, Set, Lighting.
Common Editing in your genre- Cross Cutting, Cutaway, Jump cut, Eye-line match.
Common Sound in your genre- Dialogue, Voiceover, Ambient sound.
Examples of films in your genres- Happy Death day, Jennifer's body, Gone girl.
What elements of the genre that you like and would use if this was your genre?- We like and would use the establishing shot, aerial shot, and the long shot. We would also use the pan, acting, the cross cutting and the voiceover.
What elements of the genre do not appeal to you, and you would not use if this was your genre?- Elements that do not appeal to us and we would not use are the extreme close up and the low angle. We would also not use the eye line match and the cross cutting.
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