Filming the Final Task
Greetings Blog! My partner Camila Villatoro and I are going to be working together. We both came up with many ideas for the film. We both exchanged many ideas and received each other's opinions. We discussed how to begin and produce the film. We were deciding between two pitch blogs. The first one was "a crazy obsessed girl has a boy crush, turns out he is not real", and the other pitch was "a girl is having a dream and cannot wake up and keeps reliving the dream". In the end, we chose the "a girl is having a dream and cannot wake up and keeps reliving the dream". After coming in agreement with this decision, we thought about where to film it. Our choices were Camila's house, my house or my school friend's house. In the end we chose to film at Camila's house. We chose her house because it will make the filming easier because her house is very spacious. Since our planning is almost done, we want to decide a time to start filming. We are most likely going to film in the middle of February. We already have a script. The script will guide us on how to direct the filming. Camila and I are both going to be actors in the film. I have a professional camera that we can use to make the film look nicely professional. We want the film to be a suspense. We have watched many movies that are in the suspense category to guide us on how to film. I believe the filming will turn out good. Until next time blog!
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