
 Hey Blog! My partner Camila and I are currently deciding our music choices for the film. We want the film to have suspenseful sound effects. I found some sound effects on youtube. We want to create an auditory experience that enhances the tension and atmosphere of each scene. Camila and I came across various sound effects. We are still deciding which ones to use. Each sound effect we find is carefully selected to offer the desired emotions in the audience. Every sound we decide to include in the film contributes to the overall sense of suspense. Camila and I are committed into getting every detail just right for the audience to feel entertained. The sound effects we chose need to match with the scenes of the film. Camila has been searching for sound effects to use. Whatever she finds she shows me, and I give her feedback. This is how we come into an agreement in choosing the right sound effects. Adding sound effects add depth and texture to the storytelling. The sound effects have to correlate with our script. I believe at the end of the film, we should add a song. This will give it more of a suspense. We want to entertain the audience. We want to create a good experience for the audience in the world of the film. For now, we are quite confident that we'll achieve our vision for the film's sound design. We will keep searching for audios to enhance the sound effects. Until next time blog!
